Shrikala Maha Vidyalaya

OBC Cell


People belonging to the OBC (non-creamy layer) category are still disadvantaged and marginalized in our society. The deprivation of dignity, identity and rights resulted in their exploitation, dehumanization and humiliation. The Indian education system seems to have been oriented only to meet the requirement of one-third of the population, ignoring the interest of the rest. Indeed, historically education was confined to certain sections of the society and did exclude large sections of the population, making it highly undemocratic in matters of access. This exclusion in education created ever expanding disparities that adversely affected the disadvantaged groups of the society.


Since higher education is a tool for social and economic equality, the UGC has been addressing national concerns of access, equality, while ensuring the standard of quality and relevance of education by implementing policies of the Government of India and promoting several schemes and programmes for the disadvantaged groups that would help in eliminating social disparities. To make the present education system inclusive, an HEI should become more responsive to the needs and constraints of the disadvantaged social groups.

OBC Cell, Shri Kala Mahavidyalaya  is established with the purpose to empower OBC students in the institute. Institute provides guidance to these students in facilitating financial support in the form of scholarship and freeship from the government. Students are also encouraged to enroll for career orientation programs, which would equip them with the necessary skills to choose a career option.


Constitution of OBC Cell, Shri Kala Mahavidyalaya

Sr. No.

Name of Members


Position in Cell


  Dr. Shashikant Rewade

  Principal, Shri Kala Mahavidyalaya



  Mr. Dipak Shinde

  Asst. Professor of English



  Mr. Narhari Raut   

  Asst. Professor of Marathi



  Miss. Nilima kannake

  Asst. Professor of Home Economics



  Mr. Ashwin Bhoyar

  Office Staff



  Miss. Achal Arunrao Thakare

  Student Representative

  Student Member



1.    To oversee the effective implementation of policies and programmes for the OBC students.

2.    To empower the students belonging to other backward communities (OBC).

3.    To ensure provisions for an environment where all such students feel safe and secure.

4.    To provide guidance and counselling to OBC students with respect to academic, financial, social and other matters and to enhance the diversity within the campus.

5.    To implement policies and schemes proposed by the State Government, Central Government and UGC for the welfare of OBC students.

6.    To provide equal opportunities for the academic development of the OBC students.

7.    To ensure protection and reservation as provided in the constitution of India.


Roles and Responsibilities

1.    To accumulate and circulate reports and information regarding the Government of India and the UGC orders for OBC.

2.    To collect information on OBC students and employees.

3.    To ensure compliance of the orders of reservation issued and other benefits admissible from time to time in favour of OBCs.

4.    To function as a Grievances Redressal Cell for the grievances of OBC students and help them manage academic and personal demands of college life effectively.

5.    To arrange special opportunities to enhance the career growth of these students.

6.    To conduct the programme for disseminating the scholarship schemes provided by governmental agencies and other sources.

7.    To make efforts to sensitize the academic community regarding the problems associated with social exclusion as well as aspirations of the marginalized communities.

8.    To enhance the diversity among the students, teaching and non-teaching staff population and at the same time eliminate the perception of discrimination.

9.    To investigate the grievances of the OBC students and suggest amicable solution to their problems.

10. To prepare barrier free formalities/procedures for admission/ registration of OBC students.

To organize periodic meetings to monitor the progress of different schemes.