March 11, 2025
Kala Mahavidyalaya has a Grievance
Redressal Cell to look into the general and academic complaints of the staff
and students. It promptly tries to offer solutions for their redressal during
the periodical meetings of the committee. The staff and students are notified
to put their complaints and suggestions about administration, accounts,
finance, library, academics and hostels etc. in the suggestion/complaint boxes
located in the administrative building of the college.
objectives of the Grievance Redressal Cell are:
create a platform where staff and students can raise their problems about
academic and non-academic matters.
receive suggestions from the staff and students for infrastructural improvement
of the college.
ensure effective solution to the staff and students to redress their problems.
as per UGC (Grievance Redressal) Regulations, 2018, regarding addressing and
effectively resolving grievances of students in higher educational
institutions, the Governing Body of Shri Kala Mahavidyalaya reconstituted
a Grievance Redressal Cell to address as well as resolve all types of
grievances, complaints and malpractices including those received from students,
faculty and other stakeholders. The complaints from all stakeholders are
received in the Complaint Box in the administrative building of the college, or
through a written application to any member of the CGRC.
College Grievance Redressal Cell (CGRC) with the following composition was
constituted for tenure of two years. The College Grievance Redressal Cell
(CGRC) functions keeping consonance with the ICC, the Ant-Ragging Cell as well
as the Disciplinary Committee of Shri Kala Mahavidyalaya . In case of any
complaint from any stakeholder, they are to report to any member of the
Grievance Redressal Cell.
of College Grievance Redressal Cell/Committee (CGRC):
1. Dr. Shashikant Rewade,
Principal & Chairperson
2. Mr. Dipak Shinde, Member Secretary
3. Mr. Narhari Raut, Member
4. Miss. Nilima kannake, Member
5. Achal Arunrao Thakare, Sudent
of College Grievance Redressal Cell/Committee (CGRC) as per vide
D.O. No. F.1-13/2022 (CPP-II), dated 12th April, 2023
A. Chairperson:
Dr. Shashikant Rewade
B. Senior
Faculty Members
1. Mr. Dipak Shinde , Convener
2. Miss. Nilima kannake, Member
3. Mr. Narhari Raut, Member
4. Mr. Santosh Kanoje, Member
C. Student/
Special Invitee: Achal Arunrao Thakare
A. Roles and Functions of CGRC:
CGRC shall exercise the following roles and perform the following functions:
1. To receive applications of grievance
from any stakeholders
2. To entertain and consider the
grievance from all stakeholders.
3. To hear grievances of all concerned
parties, and settle them as early as possible.
4. To counsel the students (whenever
necessary) and resolve their grievances.
To give advice to the students through personal
counselling To take actions on Covid-19 pandemic related grievances.