Shrikala Maha Vidyalaya

Complaint of Cast Discrimination SC/ST Students

Contact - 07152-263011 / 12

Affiliated to R. T. M. Nagpur University, Nagpur

Shri kala Mahavidyalay, Wardha

Approved by Govt. of Maharashtra

Address – Shri kala Mahaviyalay, Anji (Mothi) Dist Wardha

September 8, 2024

Internal Complaints Committee & Women's Cell

The Women’s Cell & Internal Complaints Committee (ICC):

As per UGC Regulations (Prevention, prohibition and Redressal of sexual harassment of women employees and students in higher educational institutions), 2015, it has been mandated that it is the duty of all employers to prevent as well as avert any kind of sexual harassment in campus and to offer resolution, settlement and prosecution of any sexual harassment acts, particularly following Vishaka guidelines (JT 1997 (7) SC 384), and take necessary steps as and when required so as to promote and develop a conducive academic environment and ensure respect and dignity of all stakeholders. Shri Kala Mahavidyalaya  believes in gender justice on campuses and hence set down norms of respect, non-discrimination and the unacceptability of any abuse of power along with debate, discussions and dialogue.


A. As per UGC guidelines & that admitted by Shri Kala Mahavidyalaya  authority, the following terms are defined in this manner:

 i) Gender Discrimination:

Sexual differences refer to the biological differences and gender differences are those that are socially or culturally constructed. The sexual and gender stereotypes are supported and promoted by those having sexist attitudes. Sexism refers to a prejudice or discrimination on the grounds of sex, particularly against women. It is an attitude or mindset that exercises male control over female, headship for the man and subordination for women, and such attitudes justifies discrimination and violence against women. Sexism restricts promotion of dignity and worth of women and denies their contribution to society, as well as makes their rights and opportunities conditional, which results in vulnerability. Discrimination also occurs in workplace which includes denial of employment to women due to women’s reproductive role, or rigidity in attitude which may hinder the reproductive role of women (such as non-flexible work hours & timings, denial for maternity leave etc) 


ii) Sexual harassment:

‘Sexual harassment’ means ‘an unwanted conduct with sexual undertones if it occurs or which is persistent and which demeans, humiliates or creates a hostile and intimidating environment or is calculated to induce submission by actual or threatened adverse consequences and includes any one or more or all of the following unwelcome acts or behavior (whether directly or by implication)’, namely,


1.    Any unwelcome physical, verbal or non verbal conduct of sexual nature,

2.    Eve teasing or gender based insults,

3.    Forcible physical touch or molestation,

4.    Demand or request for sexual favours,

5.    Making sexually coloured remarks,

6.    Showing pornography or other offensive/derogatory pictures, cartoons, pamphlets or sayings.

7.    Jokes or taunts likely to cause awkwardness or embarrassment.


Sexual harassment may also indicate implied or explicit promise of sexual favours, or detrimental treatment in the conduct of work. It involves creating an intimidating offensive or hostile learning environment and humiliating treatment likely to affect the health, safety, dignity, or physical integrity of the person concerned.


iii) Ensuing Gender Amity:

The key motto of Women’s Cell and ICC is to ensure Gender Amity. Gender amity implies gender sensitivity and gender justice. Gender sensitivity refers to long-term awareness and insights into the state of other sex and gender and develops a non-judgmental & appreciative attitude to women. Gender justice implies ensuing non-hierarchical and non-discriminative perspective towards women.


B. Composition of ICC:

Complying with the UGC guidelines, the Governing Body of Shri Kala Mahavidyalaya  has formed an Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) under sub regulation (1) of regulation 4 of UGC regulations. The tenure of ICC is three years. The purpose of the committee is to investigate as well as recommend actions on acts of sexual harassment of any kind, against any individual.


The Women’s Cell & ICC will have the following composition (w.e.f October, 2019):

1.    Miss. Nilima Kannake, Presiding Officer, ICC & Member, IQAC.

2.    Mr. Narhari Raut, Member, IQAC.

3.    Mr.. Santosh Kanoje, Member, IQAC.

4.    Mr. Atul Udade, Social Workar.

5.    Mr. Ashwin Bhoyar, Administrative Staff

6.    Mr. Nikhil Ambulkar, Administrative Staff

7.    Mr. Saurabh Kamlesh Gupta, Student

8.    Miss. Kranti haribhau dahake, Student

9.    Miss. Achal Arunrao Thakare, Student


C. Objectives of Women Cell & ICC, Shri Kala Mahavidyalaya :

1.    To create awareness regarding women’s rights and health attentiveness.

2.    To offer counseling and alertness relating to legal issues to women stakeholders.

3.    To build self esteem and develop sense of dignity among the girl students and female employees.

4.    To check happening of sexual harassment at workplace and neighboring areas.

5.    To organize programmes on health, hygiene, personal counseling and gender awareness.

6.    To understand and progressively engage with issues of gender.

7.    Identify discriminatory attitudes or behaviors towards female student/employee.

8.    To initiate dialogue and promote gender awareness within the campus.

9.    To provide support and create an environment for sharing anxieties, problems and difficulties faced by stakeholders on account of gender and sexuality.

10. To organize workshops/seminars at regular intervals relating to gender awareness and gender sensitization.


D. Process for making Complaint:

The ICC shall comply with the UGC Regulations (Prevention, prohibition and Redressal of sexual harassment of women employees and students in higher educational institutions) Regulations, 2015, for making a complaint and inquiring into the complaint in a time bound manner.

1.    An aggrieved person is required to submit a written complaint to the ICC within three months from the date of the incident and in case of a series of incidents within a period of three months from the date of last incident.

2.    In case where such complainant cannot be made in writing, the Presiding Officer or any member of the ICC shall render all reasonable assistance to the person for making the complaint in writing.

3.    In case where the aggrieved person or the victim is unable to make a complaint on account of physical or mental incapacity or death, the victim’s friends’ or colleague or relatives or co-student or any other associate of the victim may file the complaint in such situations.


E. Punishment and Compensation:

If any employee is found guilty of sexual harassment, he/she shall be punished in accordance with the service rules of Department of Higher Education, Maharashtra.

In case a student is found guilty of sexual harassment of any kind, the College may,

1.    Withhold privileges of the student such as access to the library, auditorium, halls of residence, transportation, scholarships, allowances and identity card.

2.    Suspend or restrict entry into the campus for a specific period.

3.    Expel and strike off name from the institutional roll, including denial of readmission, if the offence so warrants.

4.    Award reformative punishments like mandatory counseling, and, or performance of community services. In special cases, the aggrieved person is also entitled to a payment of compensation. The Principal, Shri Kala Mahavidyalaya  shall issue directive of payment of the compensation recommended by the ICC, which may be recovered from the offender. The compensation payable shall be determined on the basis of:

1.    Mental trauma, pain, suffering and distress caused to the aggrieved person.

2.    The loss of career opportunity due to the incident of sexual harassment.

3.    The medical expenses incurred by the victim for physical, psychiatric treatment.

4.    The income and status of the victim.

The feasibility of such payments in lump sum or in installments.